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Speed Poetry Project


The concept for this daily writing exercise was simple: I had ten minutes to write a poem about a randomly generated word. The length of the poem was the number of lines of a page of my notebook, or how many words I could write in ten minutes, whichever came first. No thinking, just write.

How did it work?
  • Set timer for 10 minutes
  • Go to watchout4snakes, and generate a word. That’s the theme.
  • GO! No judgments, no editing. Fill the page as quickly as possible.
  • Stop clock. Note time. Take photo of the poem. Add to the gallery on phone.
  • Do this every day in 2019.

Aside from waking my brain up, it gave me 365 poems. Some of them are definitely throw-away poems, but some are worth working on to make better or use as inspiration for something bigger. It was fun, and now I have an impressive stack of words to represent a year’s worth of ten-minutes-a-day work.
The following. year, I used some of them during my SIP Poetry Reading project.



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