Pink Spoon

A plastic device used to deposit ice cream into the mouth quickly and efficiently.

Modern day meaning: A symbol of all that is good about celebrating a birthday and being alive (excluding the joy of being including in the government census). For some, it is the epitome of 'sharing', while others consider it a 'visual trigger' for good birthday memories.

Its popularity can be directly traced to the ice cream purveyor, Baskin-Robbins, and their highly successful campaign "Memories come on a Spoon".


How did it get so popular?

Between 2007-2008, the function of the Pink Spoon changed dramatically, shifting from basic ice cream tasting shovel to a much grander memory transmission vessel. The Baskin-Robbins Birthday Club was directly responsible for this shift in perception, simply because it allowed people to share their favorite birthday memories. These memories were shared online and in stores, with some of the best memories showing up on Baskin-Robbins spoons and wrappers across the country.

Reading these memories while eating ice cream was clinically proven to induce smiling and an overall feeling of well being.



The pink spoon has taken on somewhat of a cult status in American life, inserting itself into our hearts, minds, and in some cases, our fashions.

  • The Spoon Dress - Designed by Charlotte Kruk and made from 1,000 Baskin-Robbins spoons. Each spoon was drilled with two holes,like a button and stitched onto a layer of plastic backed with a square of white felt for strength and durability.
  • In the summer of 2011 Ari Shiplitz dug his way out of a collapsed mineshaft using only a pink spoon.