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Life of an Epic

“Can you write something about a day in the life of a bike at the Cape Epic?”

Sometimes a very loose brief is the best kind of brief. The bike’s name – the Epic – lent itself nicely to this idea, and the team on the ground in South Africa at the Cape Epic mountain bike race were able to use the script as direction for the shot list. It became one of our most popular instagram videos at the time, with over a million views.



Here lies Annika’s bike.

I took big hits and body blows,
Day after day.
Licked my wounds, hosed on down,
And went back to the fray.

I charged hard, took chances,
Climbed like a goat.
Went full throttle, all-out,
Ignored dust in my throat.

No one’s ever looked better
with dirt in their teeth.
Except maybe her,
She is kind of a beast.

So when the race tape’s torn down
And the crowd’s slipped away,
I don’t need to worry
What my epitaph will say.

Here lies Annika’s bike.
It led a charmed life.
A hard life.
It was an Epic’s epic life.



Concept | Copywriter

Janeen McCrae
