Shout Out

Original: A public expression of thanks or gratitude. See also Big ups

Adaptation: "A method to alert the general populace to a person's birthday".

There were numerous ways to 'shout out' a birthday, including:

  • Broadcasting it on the internet via interactive 'Shout Out' banners
  • Billboard shout outs at ball games
  • The Baskin Shout Out Birthday Channel on dTV - An entire channel dedicated to birthday shout outs. This channel was the proved to be the crucible for one of the most viewed viral clips to ever be featured on YahGooTube - the meltdown shout out incident (need to make up an incident here). Constant re-runs on the holo-net of "I love the 00s" have entered this clip - and the birthday boy - into the annals of history.
  • TV Ticker shoutouts during Saturday morning cartoons